Our skin is as unique as we are!
Is it all a question of skin type? No, of the skin condition!
Our many years experience working on skin showed that the classic, precicely schematized skin types hardly exist anymore nowadays. This is due to various internal and external factors:

Recognise skin conditions
and treat them accordingly!
Our skin type may change /evolve over the years. While many teenagers have oily skin, the skin tends to increasingly suffer from dryness with age. As soon as our late twenties, our skin begins to age and suffer if not taken care of appropriately. Our skin cannot store moisture as efficiently, sebaceous and sweat glands decrease in intensity and the skin loses volume and density resulting in increasing dryness. Therefore, it is important to take care of one’s skin starting at a young age to prevent the emergence of wrinkles and preserve a youthful and fresh glow.
This makes it all the more important to recognize current skin conditions and to take them into account when choosing treatment options and products.
AURI PRETIUM PARTER INSTITUTES can help you recognize and successfully treat skin conditions.
Overview of skin types and skin conditions
If someone asks us about our skin type, the answer is usually not easy. Oily? No! Dry? Perhaps. Sensitive? Aren’t we all a little sensitive? Identifying your exact skin type can be difficult. Getting the right care, tailored to the look of the skin, is so important to feeling good about ourselves.
As explained earlier on this page, many internal and external factors have made it increasingly difficult to categorize skin into traditional skin types. As a result, one should always assess the current condition of the skin.
In addition to the classic skin type classification, we also list the most common skin conditions to help you.
Nevertheless, if questions arise or you are unsure, our customer service is always willing to help.
In addition to the four classic skin types, there are two other skin types:
Sensitive skin
Mature skin
The most common skin conditions, what you should know about them
and how best to treat them:
Before we discuss the most common skin conditions in detail, we would like to explain how you can increase the success of your treatment many times over with daily skin care at home.
Our mission is to help as many people as possible achieve healthier skin and feel completely comfortable in their own skin.
For this purpose, we have developed not only effective skin care products with highly effective active ingredients, but also a very efficient treatment concept: the synergistic AURI PRETIUM SKIN CONCEPT.
In addition to the AURI PRETIUM DAILY SKIN CARE, this includes professional AURI PRETIUM TREATMENTS with our certified skin care partners. Our skin concept solves skin problems in a record amount of time and achieves visible results starting with the very first treatment.
Join AURI PRETIUM on the path to a completely new skin sensation!

Many people who suffer or have suffered from acne with inflamed pimples and pustules still carry the signs of the disease even years later.
In severe cases, acne scars or pimples may be visible on the skin. In addition to the visible scars, psychological suffering is also caused by the long-term consequences of acne.
In addition to the daily skin care routine with the AURI PRETIUM DAILY SKIN CARE products, we recommend our ACNE CONTROL SERUM and PHYTO TONIC. For faster results, we recommend our ALTUM PLANT PEEL TREATMENT at one of our partner institutes.

Pigmentation marks
Pigmentation marks are brownish, reddish, or ochre-colored spots on the skin that are not raised and therefore cannot be felt. They often form on sun-exposed areas (such as the face), but can also be caused by inflammatory processes (post-acne) or predisposition.
Hormones (pregnancy; hormonal contraceptives), burns, and various diseases and medications promote pigmentation disorders, which cause the overproduction of a skin pigment called melanin. Usually pigment spots are harmless, but as a preventive measure, we recommend using sun protection, which is incorporated into our day cream.
If you wish to reduce existing pigmentation marks and prevent the formation of new ones, in addition to your AURI PRETIUM DAILY SKIN CARE routine we recommend the following products: ACNE CONTROL SERUM, PHYTO TONIC and O2 BOOSTER CREAM SPF30.
In addition to that, you can increase your treatment’s success by booking a professional AURI PRETIUM TREATMENT appointment at one of our partner institutes.

Couperose / redness
Sensitive and thin skin often reacts with redness, especially to external influences such as dry heating air, extreme cold or heat, water and sunlight. In many cases, more small veins are formed around the cheeks and nose. In addition, the skin is prone to irritation, and inflammation. Products that soothe the skin and relieve unpleasant skin sensation such as our O2 BOOSTER GEL and our SOOTHING MASK. These products instantly soothe redness and couperose.
In addition, we recommend visiting an AURI PRETIUM skin care specialist for an AURI PRETIUM TREATMENT where your skin will be analyzed and, if necessary, you will be advised to see a dermatologist to rule out disease-related irritation and give your skin the treatment it needs and deserves.

Enlarged pores
Skin pores are small openings that exist in countless numbers in human skin. Through these small channels, the body can secrete sebum and keep the top layer of the skin supple. This protects against external environmental influences. Thus, pores are an essential component for the skin’s own metabolism and protective film of the skin.
But why do some people have large pores whereas others don’t? In fact, genes and hormones determine the size of pores, but oily or mature skin can also be a factor in enlarged pores. Oily skin, for example, tends to have larger pores because sebum, dead skin cells and dirt can accumulate faster in the sebaceous glands. As a result, the pore clogs and widens. Once the pore is dilated, it does not contract on its own. However, regular cleansing and various other methods can help to refine the appearance of enlarged pores. Preventive measures can also help to avoid large pores before they form. Besides the daily skin care routine
every morning and evening, for large pores we also recommend following AURI PRETIUM products: ACNE CONTROL SERUM, PHYTO TONIC and SOOTHING MASK.
In addition, you can visibly increase the success of your treatment with professional AURI PRETIUM TREATMENTS at our partner institutes.

Dryness / Itchy or flaky skin
With dry skin, the natural regulation of sebum and moisture is disturbed. The skin becomes rough and brittle, in extreme cases cracks, itches and eczema form. Older people suffer from dry skin because their skin produces less moisture as they age. However, external factors such as cold, heat, sunlight, malnutrition, illness and medications, as well as stress and emotional strain can also cause dry skin.
Proper skin care, protection from the sun and dry/ heated air, a balanced, healthy diet, adequate hydration, a smoke-free, low-alcohol lifestyle, and exercise in fresh air can help maintain the skin’s natural oil and moisture balance.
In addition to daily care routine with the AURI PRETIUM DAILY SKIN CARE products, your skin will especially enjoy the soothing and restorative properties of following products: O2 BOOSTER GEL, BALANCING TONIC, SOOTHING MASK, YOUTH CONTROL CREAM and YOUTH CONTROL SERUM.